University of Dallas Care Team

University of Dallas Care Team

Questions and Answers


Who can file a report?

The entire UD community. Student, parents, loved ones, faculty and staff can all file CARE reports about a University of Dallas Student.

How does one make a report?

To file a CARE report, please follow THIS link. Concerned faculty and staff members may also initiate the generation of a CARE report by emailing a description of the concern to the Dean of Students. That email will be used to generate a CARE report. All CARE reports are attached to the student of concern's Student Life file in Advocate.

Is it possible to submit an anonymous report?

Yes, anyone can submit an anonymous report through the online form.

Is there an amnesty policy in place if the report of another student incriminates the other  person too?

The CARE Network report is not used to initiate the judicial process. It is to make sure students of concern receive the attention and resources they need. If deemed necessary, the reporter may also be offered assistance if the committee feels it may be needed.

What office manages the CARE Network?

The CARE Network is housed in the Office of Student Life under the direction of the Dean of Students.

Any further questions can be directed to the Office of Student Life by email at or by phone at 972-721-5323.